Welcome Back

Juggling the many details and situations of life can leave us so busy that we only have time for the most pressing priorities. Even the things we love can suddenly be eclipsed by the things we need to do. Sometimes, as we cross off some of the higher priorities, other valuable things rise to the surface, but then there are the times we must dig in and make room for what we love.

The past two months were full of surprises and ministry needs that left little time for me to write something meaningful. I experienced enough to provide material for many days of writing ahead but, unfortunately, the free time I carved out of my schedule, usually came while experiencing the impact of sheer exhaustion. Frequently, I thought about how much I missed blogging, but the effort to create a good post seemed like too much to give.

I would love to say that things slowed down, but my schedule is every bit as busy as it was, with a few new things added in. I simple came to a point when I realized that I needed to take action to pursue something I love. It was not going to happen on its own, and waiting for a time that worked was a losing proposition.

In Revelation 2:4, Jesus is speaking to the Ephesian church and he says to them, “I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first.” This sounds a little harsh at first, but when we realize it was said as a healthy challenge, in the midst of other affirmation, it becomes clear that Jesus is calling them back to something important they left behind. Some people believe that Jesus was talking about their love for him, but it is more likely that he was addressing the heart of love they had for God, each other, and the world. Their love was growing cold.

It is not always easy to love. When we are tired and drained, the energy to look outward can be hard to summon. When time is short, compassion can be as well. When we are hurt, wounded, or offended, love can be a very elusive thing. The power to let our love grow cold is ours to wield, but so is the power to fan it into flame. It may not be easy to love, but we can choose to do it anyway.

I realize that making time to write a blog post is quite different that stirring up love for others when the weight is heavy on our heart, but the answer is often very much the same. We simply must choose to do it. We must acknowledge our feelings, and all that stands in our way, and choose to love anyway. It may not be an easy choice, but decisions of value rarely are.

So, as I take time to welcome myself back to writing, I am challenged to welcome back the more important love I had at first. Maybe, you need to welcome back your love as well. Could it be that God is calling all of us to remember our first love, and kindle its fire till it blazes once again? Could it be that the first step is saying, “Yes?”

May the love of God rise within you that you may be God’s love to the world.

About Chuck

4 thoughts on “Welcome Back

  1. Welcome back, indeed, Chuck (although for me this is the first time I’ve read your blog). I particularly appreciate your comments on choices and the difficulty of making good, meaningful ones. For me, distractions from choosing the best never cease coming. It’s the recognizing of the distractions and the returning to my center of values that seems to be my richest blessing. Maybe my best choice, after all, is not merely in the particular option I choose but in the act of returning that follows recognition of my distractedness.

  2. Rich, I think your last sentence is very powerful. I do believe there are times where the best choice is a particular option, but often, the best action is found in the returning, the centering away from distraction!

    1. Thanks! I am looking forward to more regular posting. It took a bit to regain some balance, but it is looking better now.

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