7 Ways to Hear from God – Right Now

Do you wish that you could have God’s perspective on your life and your circumstances? Do you want to know God’s heart and thoughts about you and your life? Some of us might jump at the chance, while others might be hesitant because they believe that God’s view of them would be painful to hear. The truth, however, is that God is deeply in love with you and wants to share that love, along with his heart, with you and all creation.

So, how do you hear what God is saying to you? Here are seven ways you can begin to hear from God right now. (Actually, six ways and one to grow on, but you will see, they all work together.)

1. Read the Word – It may seem obvious, but many people neglect this powerful step. God clearly wants to communicate with us and has shared so much through the gift of the Scripture. Recently, a number of my Facebook friends have posted a “like” that reads, “It turns out life does come with an instruction manual – it’s called the Bible.” This may seem simplistic, but there is great truth in these words. God does want to talk to you through his Word, and this is a great place to start. Even if the passages you read do not directly connect to your circumstances, you are opening the doorway to spiritually connect with God and you will be blessed as you do.

2. Pray – Okay, another obvious choice, but also another commonly neglected one. If we truly desire to hear from God then we need to do our part to come into the conversation. Instead of merely listing the things we need or asking God to “bail us out,” making time to share our heart with God and to listen for a reply deepens our sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading. God is interested in you and your life, and wants to hear your thoughts along with your needs. Every good relationship needs communication. Take time to talk with God.

3. Worship – Choose some music that speaks to your spirit. Praise worship, hymns and choruses create an atmosphere where we hear with greater clarity. Sometimes we will receive something from the words of our song, but more importantly, we lift our thoughts toward God so that we can see and hear him with greater clarity. Visual symbols and places can also be great tools in our worship. Even the position of our body (seated, standing, kneeling, eyes closed or open, etc.) can help center our thoughts on God and his voice.

4. Meditate – Ponder a Bible verse. Think about an attribute of God. Remember a previous word or blessing. Pray a reflective prayer like the Jesus Prayer, “Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me.” All of these are ways to quiet our mind and sensitize our spirit to the moving of God in our midst. Important things cannot always be rushed, and hearing from God may require an investment of time, even if we must keep our focus while doing other things.

5. Open Your Ears and Eyes – Frequently, God’s greatest communication goes on all around us, but our gaze is somewhere else and we miss the message we are being shown. The voice of a child, the sounds of nature, the pulse of the city can all lead us to what God is saying. Likewise, watching the sunset, smelling the flower, even truly tasting the coffee can allow God to speak to us through our senses. When we become attentive to what is around us, we also become attentive to God.

6. Share with Someone – God’s voice can also be heard in the voice of someone else. It may be a spouse, a child or a friend. It may be a pastor, teacher, or a stranger. When we engage others, we have the opportunity to meet God in the process. When St. Benedict created his Rule for monastic communities, he encouraged his disciples to welcome everyone as if they were Jesus Christ. Not only did this make them good and humble servants, it also allowed them to be attentive to what God was saying in their encounters.

7. Keep a Journal – Writing the words we think and hear can help give us clarity and these written words can become doorway to hearing in the future when we revisit what we’ve written. Looking back over how we heard in the past, and what God said, helps us to hear the fresh things God is saying. This has become a vital part of my spiritual journey. I now take time in all of my devotions to pray, “Lord, what would you say to me today?” I then wait in silence and write any impressions or thoughts that come in that time. When I connect these reflections with others throughout the day, I am amazed at the discoveries I find waiting for me.

I pray these seven steps will help you in hearing from God. May you be richly blessed as you seek the Lord.

About Chuck