Love and Truth

I remember the first time my son said he hated me. Our family went shopping at a large superstore. My wife and daughters were looking for clothes, and our son was not interested. I suggested we wander through the sporting goods section. As we looked around, I realized he was standing transfixed, staring into the display case. “Daddy,” he said, “I found a knife I […]

What is Truth?

It is not just what you believe that matters. Why you believe it is equally important. I confess that the reasoning I find behind much of what I currently read is slightly maddening. At the speed we currently share information, ideas, and opinions, it is easy to understand why we shortchange the hard, time-consuming work of reasoning and reflection, choosing to accept arguments that neatly […]

Truth for Itching Ears

The truth hurts, doesn’t it? Yes, sometimes it does, but if it is really the truth, the pain that follows does not lack purpose. A real revelation of truth corrects wrong thinking and direction, and brings forth life in its wake.     The Apostle Paul, writing to his protegee Timothy, encouraged him to hold fast to the truth of faith, for his sake, and […]