Discern God’s Will – Scripture

Living the Christian life requires a constant effort to discern God’s will and to put that direction into action. Discovering God’s will for our lives, our families, our faith communities, and the world is not always easy. Situations are often complicated and the right course of action is not always clear. How do we discern God’s direction? What tools are there to help us in […]

Soaking in the Scripture

   Going deeper with God naturally involves soaking in the Scripture. In these precious texts, we find the revelation of God’s heart and design for our lives, and the world. As we listen deeply to the word of God resonating within our spirit, we deepen our relationship with the Author and we receive greater revelation for our lives. In Colossians 3:16 we read, “Let the […]

Not Again

Philosopher George Santayana is famously quoted as saying, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” This can be true of nations and individuals, and it is certainly true within the Christian faith. For a while now, I have been watching posts on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media, which are filled with pop theology, and they certainly are popular. Apparently,  the […]