What Is, and What Can Be

The proverb is true, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18) Vision is central living a Spirit-led life. Vision is a powerful motivator, and it helps clarify direction and decisions as we move forward. There truly is power in vision. It is also true that vision needs to come from the right source. Too often we equate our personal hopes and dreams […]

Lift off!

There is nothing quite like knowing you are on your way! There is a sense of excitement and joy that comes from each new beginning in our lives. We feel things begin to tremble as we begin to launch and we know that we are underway, something amazing is about to begin. The anticipation is tangible. Even facing some fear and the unknowns, we know […]

Slow to See

I find it hard to see, and remember, some important truths. I find that others do too. They seem so obvious in the moment, but later, it seems I must learn them all over again. Jesus’ disciples wrestled with this trait. They ministered alongside Jesus, but often failed to see the bigger picture Jesus taught them. Once, while traveling in a boat, Jesus taught his […]