Christ Over Chaos

I know, you are probably thinking, “here comes another blog post where Chuck explains (read ‘confesses’) his inability to find time to write, and fails to update his blog.” Well, the truth is, yes, and no. There was time for me to write and numerous ideas to explore, yet, there was nothing I felt I could (read ‘should’) post. I try embrace the guidance of […]

Finding Our Footing

After nearly three weeks, we are beginning to feel settled in our new appointment. Transition between churches and moving to a new community in a new region shake up comfort zones and break most of established routines. These changes can be as simple as whether to call carbonated beverages “pop” or “soda,” or they can be the obstacle of navigating unknown roads to new destinations. […]

Seeking Order

It seemed like a good day for poetry… Maybe there are days when you feel like you get in your own way and complicate your journey. I know the feeling well… I create too many rules     dreaming of an ordered life          It is fantasy Like creations of sand by the ocean side,     my ideals are fleeting          carried away by the flow of life Freedom and […]