God’s Vision: A Big Idea

This morning, I am preaching from a couple of verses from the prophet Habakkuk. This is the first sermon in a New Year’s series on vision. For many of us, Habakkuk is not the first place we turn in the Bible, but his words are a powerful challenge at the beginning of 2015.

“Write down the revelation
and make it plain on tablets
so that a herald may run with it.
For the revelation awaits an appointed time;
it speaks of the end
and will not prove false.
Though it linger, wait for it;
it will certainly come
and will not delay.” (Habakkuk 2:2-3)

God tells him to write down the vision and make it clear so people can read it. There is nothing hidden here. God wants the message declared so that no one can miss it. The revelation the prophet received is coming. It is on its way, and God wants the people to be ready, actively looking for it with expectation. Could it be that God is looking for the same thing to happen as we enter this New Year? Does God have a vision for the church and the world, and is he looking for us to declare it plainly so that others will see it?

As you might imagine, my answer to those questions is a resounding, “Yes!” The church of Jesus Christ is not meant to be a group of silent observers, hiding from the world. Of course, we are not meant to be obnoxious disciples condemning the world either. We are called to be witness of the Good News of Jesus Christ. We are those who affirm to people the truth of God’s word, and point them to the Living Word. God is on a mission to radically transform the world one human heart at a time, and we are invited to be a part of that mission.

Disciples of Jesus need to look past personal preferences and popular agendas in order to ask the Savior what his desires and plans are. We want to know what is on the heart of God, so that we can make that our heart as well. The Bible says that Jesus, “ever lives to intercede for us.” (Hebrews 7:25) Jesus is praying for us and for the world. Doesn’t it seem like it would be a good idea to find out what Jesus is praying will take place so that we can join in that prayer, and join in the work to see it become a reality in the world.

As disciples, we are followers of Jesus. He does not follow our plans, we follow his. Then, God graciously extends the opportunity to us to become leaders for those around us as we make God’s revelation clear so that people can run with it. You and I are privileged to be witnesses, living billboards, which reveal Jesus and his message to the world.

God’s plan is taking shape and will come to pass. The promise is that the revelation is for an appointed time, but it will not delay. God will not be early, nor will he be late. The revelation, God’s vision, will come forth at just the right time. In the meantime, we wait, but we do so actively. We make God’s plan easy to see as people run by so that they can take hold of that vision and live it out in their lives in the world. When we do this, we become disciples of Jesus, who make disciples of Jesus for the transformation of the world.

God’s New Year’s resolution for us is no small wish, it is a great vision from a great God. God’s revelation is sealed in Jesus Christ and empowered through the Holy Spirit. As we begin this year, it is time for us to go big in our faith and discipleship. Let’s do this!


About Chuck

2 thoughts on “God’s Vision: A Big Idea

  1. Hi Chuck! Thanks for the reminder that I’m the follower – then am given the opportunity to lead and help others “get it” and run with it. As I just returned from confirmation class it is a word I needed to hear. Going big in my discipleship is my hearts desire! Thank you for posting! Lucina

    1. Going big in your discipleship sounds like a wonderful plan for a new year! Praying blessings for you as you run with the vision!

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