Making Time (Part 1) – Making Time for God

praying hands

“My child, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways” – Psalm 23:26

It is hard to give your heart to someone you rarely spend time with. Not only is it difficult to a relationship without the investment, but all of the other distractions will seem so much more attractive. It takes time to share your heart, but time is a precious, often scarce, commodity.

Intimacy with God is important, for from that intimacy flows our spiritual authority. The more we come to know the heart of God, the more we can act in union with God’s justice, grace, and compassion. We become better representatives of the kingdom as we become better friends with God.

Since this relationship is so significant, making time to grow, and remain strong, in it should be a priority. Form many, it is, but making time is the challenge. We live over-committed lives that squeeze out our available time and energy. So, when someone says, “You need to make God  a priority in your life,” we think, “I know, but I don’t know how.” Too often, this is where the guilt begins and we feel like we are failing the Christian life.

I know this struggle all too well. I am sure it would seem to many that making time for God  should be easy for a pastor, but like everyone else, my life is full of time-consuming responsibilities and energy-draining commitments. Without some very intentional actions, my time with God can get diminished or lost.

So, here are some things that help me make quality time for God:

  1.  Choose a Time That Works for Your Personality – We are often told that our time with God should be the first thing we do each day. While it may be a good idea to have a centering time before you begin the day’s activities, it is more important that our quality time with God come when we are alert and can be the most attentive. I find that mornings are difficult for me, so I typically take some time for prayer and a short Scripture reading to focus my day on God, then later in the evening, when I am more awake, I set aside a larger block of time to be with God. Choose what will be the most effective.
  2. Choose a Time You Will Keep – It is most helpful to select a time when we can make a regular commitment. If you are rushing to get somewhere or finish quickly, the deeper value of the time could be lost. It is important to choose a time that will allow you to return every day, without being lost to interruptions, and that is least likely to feel like a duty.
  3. Show Up – This my seem obvious, but it is not. We are too easily led by our feelings, which quickly leads to thoughts of, “I don’t feel like making the time today,” and, “I’m not getting anything out of this right now. I think I will go do something else.” We need to overcome those thoughts a be present. Nothing may happen in our time with God on a particular day, even for a season. We want to be present, however, when it does. Treat your time with God like any other significant appointment in your schedule.
  4. Make Use of Your Daily Schedule – If you cannot make your appointment with God, make the effort to make time in other parts of the day. You can reschedule your appointment for a different time, You can exchange your typical time for a series of smaller meetings throughout the day. There are numerous options, but be cautious about neglecting the appointment all together. Your habit of making time for God can slip away quickly.
  5. Be Intentional and Avoid Guilt – Important things rarely happen by accident. If we wait to give God our time when we have it, we will probably never make the time. On the other hand, be cautious not to become legalistic about your commitment. This can lead to feelings of guilt which will undermine the time you have and make you feel like giving up along the way. God loves you, and looks forward to spending time with you. Making time for God is about planing quality time with someone we love, not fulfilling an obligation.

I pray these suggestions help you along your journey. I would love to hear the things that help you make time for God. Please share them in the comments so we all can learn together.

About Chuck