Simply Sacred

As we continue to prepare for the upcoming move, we face that challenge of challenges – finding boxes. It is amazing how many you need to move a houseful of belongings, especially if you are a pastor with a healthy library. After commenting on Facebook about finding a particularly large number of good boxes, a friend commented, “Nothing like moving to make one appreciate the humble cardboard box!”

It is amazing how many things go under appreciated until we are in need. It is often these simple things that represent some of the most sacred gifts in our lives. Surrounded by divine blessings, we can walk blindly along and miss them all.

It is not without reason that Jesus chose to take the ordinary gifts of bread and wine and make them to be one of the most sacred meals we share. Out of the common, God creates the extraordinary. It is true of communion and it is true with countless details of our lives.

Every day we encounter simple, sacred moments and common, consecrated people. Life is full of God’s ordinary blessings. They come in the form of cardboard boxes that enable to move forward in the ministry that awaits us, or in the kind word of a friend, even in the time to pause for a cup of coffee. Blessings are found in each breath of air, each gentle breeze, and each beat of the heart.

When we invite God to open our eyes to the movement of the Spirit, our senses become attuned to the presence of God in the tiny details of our lives. We see beneath the surface and find there is greater depth than we ever expected. Before long, we come to understand that every moment is a gift of God because God is with us in the moment.

Life is full of blessings. May the Spirit make us ever more aware of the blessing of God’s presence in our lives.

About Chuck

2 thoughts on “Simply Sacred

  1. One thing that has help me (and my back) is using small boxes for the books. I have a lot of books. That means a lot of boxes. It is worth it.

  2. Very good advice! When I moved into my current appointment, I had just about 5000 volumes. I gave away nearly half of those while I was here and I am purging more now. There will still be plenty of boxes and weight. 🙂

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