Strengthening the Core of Love

This is the month our culture turns its attention to the celebration of the gift of love. Special dinners, chocolates and other special gifts become symbols of our emotions as we celebrate Valentine’s Day. While some may say it is little more than a holiday created to sell more cards and gifts, at least there is a moment when we pause to reflect on the blessing of love in our lives and in the world.

Thankfully, as Christians, we do not limit our celebration of love to one day, or one month every year. We know that it is love that exemplifies the heart of our life of faith. After all, the Bible tells us that God is love, and that God loved the world so much that he sent Jesus to save the world and bring us back into right relationship with God. When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was, he said to love God with everything we have and are, then he said we should love others as we love ourselves. Love is at the core of our Christian life.

These days, there is a lot of talk about, “strengthening our core.” Now, when the culture uses this term, the reference is to our physical core, those muscles at the center of our body. When these muscles are stronger, then our whole body is stronger, which is why there is such a growing emphasis on improving our physical health in this area. Likewise, when we strengthen the core of our faith, our whole spiritual experience is strengthened.

When we make Jesus Christ the foundation of our lives and allow his amazing love to have its way in us, we live more fully in the image of Christ and we make a more significant impact on our family, our community and the world. Love is at the center and when our love is strong, so is our faith and witness. Love is the greatest test of our walk with Christ.

In 1 John 4:7-8 we read, “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. The one who does not love, does not know God for God is love.” These are powerful words! If we know God, we will be people who love, and if we do not love, we do not know God! What a test!

While the world around us is celebrating a annual festival of love, may it be a reminder for us that every day is a celebration of God’s love in our lives and through them as well. So, know that you are loved by the Love of the universe, and remember that it is that love that flows through you in witness to the world.

About Chuck