Night Lessons

What we give our attention to during the day, often makes its way into our nights. Many of us likely remember a few scary dreams that came after watching a frightening movie, or waking up with a song we listened to playing in our heads. It is not uncommon for things we studied to surface in our minds as we try to sleep, and many people use this process to help discover answers to life-challenges they are wrestling with. I frequently find great creativity during the night (which is why the voice recorder and 3×5 cards are always nearby).

The psalmist wrote:

I will praise the Lord, who counsels me, even at night my heart instructs me. (Ps. 16:7)

When we orient our hearts toward the praise of God, and when we seek and receive the counsel of God, then even in the night our heart will lead us to a deeper understanding of God and his direction for our lives. Our active attention to the Lord makes the way for even the hours of rest to become moments of growth with God.

Recently, I was confined to the sofa for a while to keep my leg elevated due to a serious infection in the skin. My wife was busy caring for our son who was injured at work, so there was plenty of time by myself. I used that time to read some books on the Bible and foundational theology, to meditate on some Scripture and to enjoy some worship music I recently purchased. After just a few days, I found that I would awaken in the middle of the night with a praise song on my lips or a word of Scripture in my head. The time spent saturating myself in God during the day, led to praise even in the wee hours of the morning.

More importantly, God began to use the words I listened to and read, to speak to me about important issues in my life. Even as David once prayed, “search me and know me, O God,” the Word of the Lord began to search my heart. Many things I needed to see were revealed. Some were very comforting, while others were quite challenging, but all were meaningful and necessary.

When we make time through conscious effort to place our attention on God, and when we saturate ourselves in the truth of his Word, then our quiet moments can become times of great revelation, instruction and encouragement. The things we actively took in begin to bear fruit, unfolding the truth of God before us. Yes, we learn and grow during our active study and meditation, but when we fill our spirits with the things of God, even the passive moments can be full of revelation.

As you walk through this day, may your eyes and ears be open, and your spirit receptive to all that God is doing around you. May you actively seek God and soak in his truth. And tonight, while you rest, may the Holy Spirit speak to you through all that you have seen and heard that you may draw closer to God, know his great love for you, and discover more of the destiny he has in store for your future.

Be blessed in the day, and in the night.

About Chuck

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