LIght on the Path

During our honeymoon, my wife asked if we could please include a trip along Skyline Drive in Virginia. It is a beautiful trip through scenic woodlands along the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The section we chose was about 15 miles long, and moments after beginning that portion of the trip, I was glad she suggested it. It was beautiful and being there with my new bride made it extra special.

About a mile into our journey, we ran into the worst fog I’ve ever seen, and certainly the most challenging I’ve ever driven in. I could barely see anything beyond the hood of the car. I could not see the road, with all of its twists and turns, there was no way to turn around, and no way to identify any traffic around us. I did not know what to do.

We ended up driving another six miles in the fog to the next available exit from our now obscured scenic drive. My wife diligently watched out the window for any sign of traffic and I, with my door open, slowly navigated the trip by following the yellow dividing line that was just to my left. It was challenging and frightening, but we made it through.

I think of that story often, because there are times when life feels like that trip along Skyline Drive. Things are not always clear. Sometimes it is difficult to know where to go, when to turn, or what to watch out for. We know that the path before us has curves and potential obstacles, but we cannot see them. With no ability to turn around, we know we must find a way to move forward in spite of our limited view and our fears.

The Psalmist wrote, “Your word is like a lamp to my feet and light to my path.” (Psalm 119:105) When life is challenging and frightening, when we do not know what to do next and the path seems impossible to find, it is then that the light of God shines the brightest on our way. Through the written word of God and the living Word of Jesus Christ, we can see enough to take the next step.

Like my driving experience, we may not be able to see more than the very next step and our guide may seem like nothing more than a small yellow line by our side. Yet, we know that God is with us and that his directions will bring us safely through if we will follow his path. With the light of Christ and the light of the Scripture, we place our faith in God and take the step that we can see, and with God’s help, we do it together.

Looking back, my trip through the fog that day was one of the most challenging parts of our honeymoon, but is also one of the favorite stories of my life. Remembering, and sharing, how my wife and I faced a difficult situation and made it through together still makes me smile and reminds me of the wonderful adventure we share together.

So it is with God. As we look back, we too can tell the stories of how we overcame challenges and confusion with God’s light on our path. Our faith is strengthened by the memory of God’s provision. Our testimony is stronger as we share the story with others, and in the end, we can celebrate the awesome adventure that comes from sharing life with God.

The path is not always clear, but the journey is worth it. As we share the adventure with God, we can put our trust in the Word to light our way.

About Chuck